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‘Take UPSC exam only if service oriented’ - Vivek Raj
‘Civil Service Academy’ at St Aloysius College is boon for students
[ SCHOLARSHIP TEST ] OGP 2024 – an integrated full-fledged classroom program by Insights IAS in association with St Aloysius College(autonomous), Mangaluru

‘Take UPSC exam only if service oriented’ - Vivek Raj

Young entrepreneur and chairman of Panama Corporation Ltd, Vivek Raj, called upon the students to appear for UPSC exam only if they are driven by the zeal to serve the people and the willingness to stay committed to protecting the constitution. He was speaking after inaugurating a training session for being successful in UPSC exam held on Friday at St Aloysius College in association with 'Insights IAS’ organization under the aegis of Prajavani and Deccan Herald newspapers.

Vivek said that people with genuine concern who are determined not to bend under political pressure without getting lured by publicity should take this examination. He revealed he had appeared for the civil service exam in 2010 but failed to clear it.

St Aloysius College principal, Dr Praveen Martis, expressed happiness at this programme having been organized in his college. Mangaluru deputy commissioner of police, Hariram Shankar, 'Insights IAS' founder Vinay Kumar K B and others were present.