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‘Take UPSC exam only if service oriented’ - Vivek Raj
‘Civil Service Academy’ at St Aloysius College is boon for students
[ SCHOLARSHIP TEST ] OGP 2024 – an integrated full-fledged classroom program by Insights IAS in association with St Aloysius College(autonomous), Mangaluru

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St Aloysius College (Autonomous) was founded in 1880 by the Jesuit Fathers, St Aloysius College has been one of the premier educational institutions in Mangaluru offering quality education to the youth. It is the oldest College in this part of the country managed by the Mangalore Jesuit Educational Society (MJES). The College has produced scholars, professionals, entrepreneurs, politicians, bureaucrats and social workers of repute and eminence. The College has been conferred Autonomous status in 2007 and is reaccredited by NAAC with 'A' grade. It has also been recognised as 'College with Potential for Excellence’ by UGC, College with STAR STATUS by DBT, Government of India and Centre for Research Capacity Building under UGC-STRIDE.