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‘Take UPSC exam only if service oriented’ - Vivek Raj
‘Civil Service Academy’ at St Aloysius College is boon for students
[ SCHOLARSHIP TEST ] OGP 2024 – an integrated full-fledged classroom program by Insights IAS in association with St Aloysius College(autonomous), Mangaluru

Workshop held at St Aloysius Institute of Civil Services

St Aloysius Institute of Civil Services organised a workshop on ‘Civil Services – Plan, Prepare and Perform’ on February 24 in Sanidhya Hall, St Aloysius College.

Shreyas K M, IRS was the resource person for the workshop. He gave insights to the participants as how to crack civil services exam and stressed on the need for perseverance and commitment on the part of IAS aspirants. Around 120 participants from in and around Mangaluru attended this workshop.

Fr Dr Praveen Martis, principal of St Aloysius College (Autonomous) spoke about the relevance of the institute of civil services in this region and also provided the information about the courses offered by this institution.

Nazeera Mohammed, deputy commissioner of Income Tax, Dr Selvamani, IAS, CEO of zilla panchayat, Mangaluru was present on the occasion. Dr Selvamani, IAS provided some tips to the IAS aspirants regarding UPSC/KPSC exams.

Dr Donald Lobo, the co-ordinator of the institute welcomed the gathering. Dr Joyce Sabina Lobo compered the programme. Larsen Correa, assistant co-coordinator, rendered the vote of thanks.